Replies: 0
Hello, I’ve installed and enabled Redis Object Cache and enabled it. It didn’t improve speed at all, neither on the frontend nor in the backend. Backend still loads too slow.
Following are the details, could anyone help me in figuring out if this plugin is configured correctly?
If yes, then next question is why there is no improvement at all?
Status: Connected
Filesystem: Writeable
Redis: Reachable
Client: Predis (v2.1.2)
Port: 6379
Database: 0
Connection Timeout: 1s
Read Timeout: 1s
Redis Version: 6.2.7
Status: Connected
Client: Predis (v2.1.2)
Drop-in: Valid
Disabled: No
Ping: PONG
Errors: []
PhpRedis: Not loaded
Relay: Not loaded
Predis: 2.1.2
Credis: Not loaded
PHP Version: 8.3.14
Plugin Version: 2.5.4
Redis Version: 6.2.7
Multisite: No
Metrics: Enabled
Metrics recorded: 31
Filesystem: Writable
Global Prefix: "wp_"
Blog Prefix: "wp_"
Timeout: 1
Read Timeout: 1
Retry Interval:
WP_REDIS_PLUGIN_PATH: "/home/x/public_html/wp-content/plugins/redis-cache"
Global Groups: [
Ignored Groups: [
Unflushable Groups: []
Groups Types: {
"blog-details": "global",
"blog-id-cache": "global",
"blog-lookup": "global",
"global-posts": "global",
"networks": "global",
"rss": "global",
"sites": "global",
"site-details": "global",
"site-lookup": "global",
"site-options": "global",
"site-transient": "global",
"users": "global",
"useremail": "global",
"userlogins": "global",
"usermeta": "global",
"user_meta": "global",
"userslugs": "global",
"redis-cache": "global",
"blog_meta": "global",
"image_editor": "global",
"network-queries": "global",
"site-queries": "global",
"theme_files": "global",
"translation_files": "global",
"user-queries": "global",
"counts": "ignored",
"plugins": "ignored",
"theme_json": "ignored",
"themes": "ignored"
Drop-ins: [
"Query Monitor Database Class (Drop-in) v3.17.0 by John Blackbourn",
"Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.5.4 by Till Krüss"